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Hand Care Hacks: 3 Steps for Happy, Healthy Hands

LUSH Cosmetics Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter, Tiny Hands Hand Lotion Bar, and Putty for your Hands
Part of sharing close-up photos of your cuticles on the internet is trying to ensure that they aren't (always) dry and cracked. Using acetone remover daily and washing your hands can lead to dry hands and cuticles, and trust us - it does not look great on film. We always have a few photos where we look at our hands and regret skipping the moisturizer, but we recently tried a new handcare routine and are super excited to share the results! We didn't want to post a horrid before picture with no moisturizer - - if you want something to compare to, click here - so we're going to start off by showing you the products and then a picture after use for Day 1!

LUSH Cosmetics Putty for your Hands
First we used Putty for your Hands, an exfoliating hand scrub. We recommend adding a little warm water and scrubbing for 30 seconds! If you have extra dry cuticles, you can also use a light buffing tool or nail file to remove some of the dry skin without clipping and breaking the cuticle.

LUSH Cosmetics Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter
Because your cuticles can become extra dry from polishing compared to the rest of your hands, its key to use a super-rich hydrating oil or cream. We love Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter (and not just because it sounds delicious) because its thick, creamy and smells amazing!

LUSH Cosmetics Tiny Hands Moisturizing Bar
Next we like to hydrate our whole hands to ensure there are no leftover dry patches! We like the Tiny Hands Moisturizing Bar because its thick and not oily on your skin.


We tried out this routine for 7 days and had amazing results! The first three days were documented with post-treatment photographs and day 7 shows our happy, healthy hands looking good all on their own!

Day 1 Post-Treatment

Day 2 Post-Treatment

Day 3 Post-Treatment

Healthy, Happy Hands! (Day 7, Pre-Treatment) 
 Let us know if you have any handcare hacks of your own! Happy polishing!

Dislcaimer: Some or all of these products may have been sent to us by the company/PR for our honest consideration.